[Today is Il Pasalosvaka Poya]
Significance of Il Pasalosvaka Poya
Il Poya is rather the climax of the Vassana season. After attaining enlightenment Sakyamuni Gautama proceeded to Saranath and preached His first sermon to the five ascetics.
According to ancient chronicles the first Vassana was observed at Isipathana in Benaras. Later, Yasakula Putra and his 55 disciples listened to his discourses with utmost faith and attained Arhantship. The Buddha addressed the 60 Arhants who observed Vassana thus:
“Caratha Bhikkawe Charikang Bahujana Hithaya, Bahujana Sukhaya, Lokanukampaya Aththaya Hithaya Sukhaya Devamanussang”
The Buddha said: Go forth Bhikkhus into the world taking the message to them, explain to them what I have explained for the well-being of the majority for the solace of the majority, show them how one could be of service by going to meet those in distress those suffering in pain out of loving kindness and compassion to all divine and human beings, indulge in this sasanic tour.
It was on Il Full Moon Day that the 60 disciples were sent in different directions on this great mission of preaching His doctrine of Dhamma - the code of conduct taught in Buddhism based on discipline which implies moral excellence.
Having sent them on this great mission, the Buddha Himself set out for the city of Rajagaha where on his way He met hermit monks, the three brothers, Uruwela Kashyapa, Nadi Kashyapa and Gaya Kashyapa with their retinue at Uruwela Grama.
It was on Full Moon Poya Day that they had all been miraculously won over by the Buddha helping them to lead a conflict free life attaining Arhantship after the deliverance of the “Aadiltapariya Sutta”.
It is interesting to note that they were Brahmins who displayed their version which the Buddha dispelled with His absolute knowledge of the Dhamma.
This celebrated religions event no doubt a worthy noble undertaking, too occurred on this Full Moon Day. Another major event of this Poya is the receipt of permission (Niyatha Vivarana) by Bosat Maitriya to be the next enlightened one.
A wealthy Buddhist in Sankassapusa known as Siriwardana had entered the Order as Bhikku Ariya Maitirya teaching a life of piety and sanctity.
It was with utmost faith and overwhelming Sraddha that he had entered the Order as Bhikku Ariya Maitriya teaching a life of piety and sanctity. It was with utmost faith and overwhelming Sraddha that he had offered his new robes to the Sakyamuni on his arrival at Sankassapusa.
The Buddha with his divine vision and insight, predicted that he will be born the next Buddha in time to come. Hence Il Poya has a special, significance regarding the emergence of the future Buddha, giving the signal for the Buddhists to await the great occasion.
This day is also related to the attainment of Sothapanna (Sovan) by Rupasasa Matha, the mother of Venerable Sariputta.
It was really astonishing to hear of the attainment of Arihantship by all Venerable Sariputta’s brothers and sisters except the mother who was supposed to be of incorrect faith totally due to her being unearned in the Buddhist doctrine.
Venerable Sariputta a noble disciple who had perfect confidence in the Dhamma possessing the right view, learning that his life span is going to be over, sought the permission of the Buddha to visit his native place.
Ven. Sariputta an erudite scholar, due to his eminence and esteem in the Sasana foreseeing the good fate of the mother, was determined to come to her rescue and put her on the correct path which he did before his Parinibbana. Consequently she attained the state of Sovan purely due to his efforts.
Thus the foremost disciple of the Buddha fulfilled his duty by her and finally he passed away. His Parinibbana too happened on this full Moon Day.
The Il Full Moon Day marks the end of the Vassana season - the three months retreat the Bhikkus observe. Those who observe Pasu Vas (the period after the observance Pera Vas) the Vassana Season is terminated by this Full Moon Day. All these sacred religious events highlight the importance of this day to the Buddhist world.
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